The Hooters is an American group formed in 1980 in Philadelphia by Rob Hyman and Eric Bazilian (both former members of the group 'Baby Grand'), who were quickly joined by Bobby Woods, John Kuzma and David Uosikkinen.
Group which released a first Single “Fightin’ on the same side” a year later in 1981, a Single which unfortunately went somewhat unnoticed. Ditto for the Single “All you zombies” which was released in 1982. Two Singles which we found on their first album “Amore” in 1983, an album which did not fare much better in terms of success in the Charts…
They will have to wait until 1985 and the release of the album “Nervous night” to finally see their efforts rewarded thanks to the new release of “All you zombies” and a new title “And we danced”. Two Singles which will offer them their first global successes and project them to the forefront of the international musical scene in a way that is, to say the least, certain.
Success confirmed but not necessarily amplified two years later with the release in 1987 of the album “One way home”, an album which worked very well on the Old Continent but less so in the Southern sphere like its predecessor. An album which will mainly produce the flagship Single “Satellite”, a title which will be controversial due to its excessive satire of television evangelism.
We found them 2 years later in 1989 with their album “Zig zag”, an album which saw the group seriously begin to slow down on the Charts, an album which narrowly escaped thanks to the Single “500 miles”.
They experienced one last major success with the album “Out of Body” in 1993, an album from which the Singles “Twenty five hours a day” and “Boys will be boys” were mainly taken.
Other albums and other Singles were released subsequently but to very limited success.
To discover or rediscover...
Discography (among others...) :
80s Decade :
Fightin’ on the same side 1981
All you zombies 1982
Hanging on a heartbeat 1984
And we danced 1985
Day by day 1986
Where do the children go 1986
Johnny B 1987
Satellite 1987
Karla with a K 1988
Engine 999 1988
500 miles 1989
90s Decade :
Brother, don’t you walk away 1990
Heaven laughs 1990
Don’t knock it ‘til you try it 1990
Give the music back 1990
Silent night 1990
Twenty five hours a day 1993
Boys will be boys 1993
Private emotion 1994
2000s Decade :
I'm alive 2007
The boys of summer 2007
Ordinary lives 2007
Time stand still 2008
2010s Decade :
Silver lining 2010
One of us 2010
Really fine wine 2010
2020s Decade :
Why won't you call me back 2023
Connection 2023
Splice up the dance 2023
Tracks :
1981...a first title which will go somewhat unnoticed but which at least has the merit of launching the adventure. So it's done now...
1982...a new title which will not do better than its predecessor. Getting started is somewhat laborious but you have to give time as they say...
1984...yet the group has everything it takes to do great things. Now it remains to find the little extra that will set them apart from the crowd...
1985...a little extra that they will finally succeed in finding from this year 1985. It was obvious that all their efforts were going to end up paying off at one point or another...
1986...a mid-80s where we feel them at their best and it shows, above all you can hear it ! The group is now at cruising speed, it is clear...
1986...a beautiful year 1985 followed by a beautiful year 1986, all is well in the best of all possible worlds. Let's just hope it lasts...
1987...a dynamic of success which in any case does not weaken in this new year 1987. Not to mention that the best is yet to come at first glance...
1987...it is with THIS title that they will achieve a semblance of consecration and in any case obtain their direct ticket to posterity. HU-GE !
1988...unfortunately when the summit of the mountain is reached you have to come down. The group will learn the hard way from this title...
1988...a year 1988 where nothing was going well and poor performances followed poor performances. Incredible turnaround...
1989...they will succeed in saving this end of the decade at the last minute with this title but it will indeed be the last time that they will obtain the favor of the public in a consistent way...
1990...a transition to the next decade which will prove significantly more difficult to negotiate than expected. Be careful, danger as they say...
1990...none of the titles that will be released during this year 1990 will be classified. Nothing is going well on the planet Hooters anymore...
1990...which will not prevent them from continuing the adventure whatever happens because they still have things to say and especially to sing...
1990...they will still have to ask themselves the right questions and quickly, otherwise the final exit door risks opening faster than expected...
1990...when nothing is going well, we bring out the good old Christmas title or album. On this occasion it will already be a title in addition in acoustic version...
1993...they seem to have asked the right questions at the start of the 90s with a comeback in the Charts that was unexpected to say the least...
1993...shows that in music nothing is ever finished. It must be said that having Cyndi Lauper as a luxury backing vocalist really helps in these cases...
1994...the group will definitively release Singles Charts from this year 1994. They will still have managed to maintain themselves at a high level for around ten years which is no small feat...
2007...while we thought that the matter was definitively closed, here they are back in a way that is at least unexpected and above all unhoped for almost 13 years later...
2007...a much too late return which will penalize them to the highest degree with an almost total absence of recognition from the public...
2007...frankly a shame because there is still quality in all that. They really won't have missed much to get back into the race...
2008...after all, it's not over anyway. A return to favor remains possible even if it seems very unlikely at this stage...
2010...they will still try to move on to the next decade, telling themselves that all hope is not lost. Who would blame them...
2010...after covering others' titles is perhaps not the best solution to achieve this even if their revisited version of Joan Osborne's title dating from 1995 is not without interest...
2010...we will have to be content with it in any case. It's better than nothing at all in the end, that's what the group says and basically they're not wrong...
2023...we will lose sight of them for almost 13 years but here they are once again faithful to the post. A desire to believe in it until the end is unshakeable to say the least...
2023...especially since they will feel much less alone since more and more groups from the same era as them are also coming back...
2023...so last title or not ? Knowing them, there could be a sequel, it just remains to be seen when and especially with what musical project they possibly intend to return...
Wiki :
Official Website :
Greatest Hits :
Discography :