Sheila, whose real name is Annie Chancel, is a French singer who can boast of being referenced today as the singer with the most hits between 1963 and 1982 in France. She can also boast of having sold no less than 85 million records to date and to be one of the very rare French to have been classified in the American Billboard, just that !
It was at the end of the year 1960 that the career of the young singer really began when she played apprentice singers for a group of young people who had just been created. An adventure that comes to an end and sees her join another group called 'Guitares Brothers', a group founded by the Desplanches brothers. A group that will only stay in history because of Sheila's presence among them.
It was nevertheless with this group that she stood out when she auditioned in 1962 in Paris in front of producers Jacques Plait and Claude Carrère. 2 renowned producers who are looking for a young singer to produce. A successful hearing that allows her to sign a first contract the next day while she is still a minor.
A year 1962 which saw her release her first 45 rpm called ..."Sheila", title of a record which will also become her stage name. Title which will unfortunately go somewhat unnoticed.
What is not the case of the following one, a 45 RPM called "L'école est finie", title which leaves in 1963 and which, not only will make a real success in the hexagon, but will also be a real success in all Europe. The career of the young singer is well and truly launched and how !
In the aftermath, "Pendant les vacances", "Première surprise party" and "Le sifflet des copains" were released, which were also to become huge successes.
Success confirmed but above all amplified the following year in 1964 with the release of titles such as "Hello petite fille", "Chaque instant de chaque jour" but also, and above all, "Vous les copains, je ne vous oublierai jamais".
A dazzling success that quickly exceeds her as the pace of tours and recordings is exhausting. Only 18 years old, she suffered from burnout syndrome and was forced to stop performing for a year. The treatment he is prescribed to recover is based on male hormones, which may turn his voice into a much more masculine tone. The tabloid press makes it fat and the rumor that the singer is a man begins to spread throughout the country.
Rumor that the producers of the singer will knowingly let spread to make talk about her throughout her absence. Unfortunately, this false rumor will haunt the singer for years and years and impact her private life far beyond what the producers imagined ...
The same producers who make the most of the “Sheila” phenomenon by marketing clothes in her name, beauty products, dolls bearing her effigy…
Back in force from the year 1965 with the release of several successful 45s including "Toujours des beaux jours", "C'est toi que j'aime", and especially, "Le folklore Américain" which is sells more than 500,000 copies. New successes a year later in 1966 with titles such as "Le cinema", "Heure de la sortie" and "Bang-Bang", a flagship title of his early years and which remains one of her titles to this day among the most emblematic.
The incredible adventure continued in 1967 with the release of new hit titles such as "La famille", "Dans une heure" and "Adios amor". She was even elected that year as the favorite star of young people by the magazines Elle, Salut Les Copains and Mademoiselle Age Tendre !
The year 1968 brought its share of new successes such as "Quand une fille aime un garçon", "Dalila" but also, and above all, "Petite fille de français moyens". The end of the 60s which nevertheless saw her begin to decline, slowly but surely ...
A slight decline that did not last long since we witnessed a total reversal of the situation at the beginning of the 1970s when the title "Les rois mages" was released, a title which, like "L'école est finie", goes no only a hit in France but also all over the world !
An early 1970s when everything smiles on her as she finally meets love in 1972 in the person of Ringo. A magical duo which, a year later in 1973, produced the enormous Single "Les gondoles à Venise", a title which sold over 600,000 copies, making this duo one of the most glamorous duets of the moment. The same Ringo with whom she married the same year, wedding event of which she will have as official witness a certain…Claude François !
Solo came back in 1974 on the song side with huge hits with "Le couple" and "Ne laisse pas tanguer le bateau". Then in 1975, are the titles "C'est e coeur (les ordres du docteur)" and "Quel tempérament de feu" that will become huge hits. An exceptional year for the singer since 1975 gave birth to a little boy named Ludovic, thus silencing for good rumors about her alleged male constitution ...
The tubes are occurring at an impressive rate in 1976 with the release of "Patrick mon chéri, "L'amour qui a brulé en moi" and "Un prince en exil".
But again, the decade purposes are more complicated to manage than the debut for the singer. She can not stand criticism of the fact that she sings too often backing and decides to leave France to settle from the United States.
An exile who will succeed her as she will begin to sing in English and rushes into the incredible wave Disco which was then at the height of its power across in the USA. She took the opportunity to completely change your look, joins three black singers and mounts the 'B. Devotion' group with whom she released her first single "Love me baby" in 1977. The title is a big hit in Europe and allows the singer to make a comeback on the front of the French scene of the end of the decade 70. Success largely confirmed with the release of the same year as "Singin' in the rain", a title that will clearly win at the planetary level.
In 1978, it was the title "You light my fire" which in turn enjoyed the favor of an almost global audience. The same year, the French public will praise the title "Kennedy airport" with a little more than 400,000 copies sold.
The very end of the 70s is quite contrasting with painful moments related to her divorce from Ringo and other times much happier with the incredible success of the title "Spacer", huge Dance title directed by the magic tandem Edwards/Rogers from Chic. A title that undoubtedly remain one of the biggest hits Dance on the French side.
Like many singers from the same generation, the transition to the 80s will be unfortunately more complicated than expected to manage. Even if she knows a new success on the track "Et ne la ramène pas" in 1981, it is clear that the singer tackiness and unable to adapt to new musical trends.
She will continue to release titles during the decade but most will not know the success of titles released during the previous decade. And the singer will slowly disappear, but surely from the radars. And will never come back to the race unfortunately .
This will not prevent her from continuing the adventure quietly but surely thereafter, at her own pace and above all far from the Star System...
To discover or rediscover.
Discography (among others ...) :
60s Decade :
Sheila 1963
L’école est finie 1963
Première surprise partie 1963
Pendant les vacances 1963
Le sifflet des copains 1964
Hello petite fille 1964
Chaque instant de chaque jour 1964
Vous les copains je ne vous oublierai jamais 1964
Le folklore américain 1965
Toujours des beaux jours 1965
C’est toi que j’aime 1965
Il fait chaud 1965
Devant le juke box 1965
Le cinéma 1966
Bang bang 1966
L’heure de la sortie 1966
La famille 1967
Adios amor 1967
Dans une heure 1967
Dalila 1967
Petite fille de francais moyen 1968
La vamp 1968
Long sera l’hiver 1968
Arlequin 1969
Love, maestro, please 1969
Oncle Jo 1969
70s Decade :
Julietta 1970
Reviens, je t’aime 1970
Les rois mage 1971
Samson et Dalila 1972
Le mari de Mama 1972
Poupée de porcelaine 1972
Les gondoles à Venise 1973
Adam et Eve 1973
Mélancolie 1973
Le couple 1974
Tu es le soleil 1974
Ne fais pas tanguer le bateau 1974
C’est le cœur (Les ordres du docteur) 1975
Aimer avant de mourir 1975
Quel tempérament de feu 1975
Un prince en exil 1976
Patrick, mon chéri 1976
Les femmes 1976
L’amour qui brule en moi 1976
L’arche de Noe 1977
Love me baby 1977
Singin’ in the rain 1977
You light my fire 1978
Kennedy airport 1978
Seven lonely days 1979
Spacer 1979
80s Decade :
Pilote sur les ondes 1980
Little darlin’ 1981
Et ne la ramène pas 1981
La tendresse d'un homme 1982
Runner 1982
Glori, Gloria 1982
Tangue au 1983
Jeanie 1983
Plus de problème 1984
Film à l'envers 1984
Je suis comme toi 1985
Chanteur de funky 1985
Comme aujourd'hui 1987
C'est ma vie 1987
Pour te retrouver 1988
Fragile 1988
Partir 1989
Le tam-tam du vent 1989
90s Decade :
On s'dit plus rien 1992
Dense 1999
Confidences 1999
2000s Decade :
Vivre mieux 2002
Toutes ces vies 2002
2010s Decade :
Je pardonnerai 2012
Si je chante encore 2012
J'avais envie de vous revoir 2012
2020s Decade :
Tous yéyé 2021
La rumeur 2021
Chaman 2021
Tracks :
1963 ... at the origin of the beginning of the genesis of one of the most beautiful musical careers of the end of the 20th century on the French side. The Sheila saga is now underway and it will last a hell of a lot of years ...
1963 ... THE title of revelation ! This is the title that will change everything, be so sensational young Annie and launch his career for good. HU-GE !
1963 ... in just 1 year, the young singer will have become one of the biggest phenomena of the moment. Now, every title that comes out immediately turns into solid gold !
1963 ... tailor-made melodies, a top trendy look, in short, the perfect recipe for guaranteed success ! And success, there will be. Profusely !
1964 ... the dynamics of success are now firmly in place and young Annie just has to unroll. And to unroll, it will unroll. For almost 20 years !
1964 ... each title is inspired and that's what makes all the difference on the competition. Perfectly in tune with the times, she hits the mark every time now !
1964 ... she takes another step forward in her irresistible ascent to the highest peaks with THIS title ! A title that will undoubtedly remain as one of her most emblematic. MAS-TER-FUL !
1965 ... here she arrives in country mode. And even in this particular register, she shatters everything. There is no need to say, a real phenomenon !
1965 ... even if this title will do less well than its predecessor, it does not come out of the Top10 on the hit parade side. No worries for the rest of the events ...
1965 ... whatever field she explores musically, everything works. Whether in fast or softer rhythms like on this track, it always works !
1965 ... a BIG year 1965 with a plethora of titles and of course quality on every level. But with her, quality is the basic ingredient of each of its titles !
1965 ... here she is in duo mode of shock, but especially of charm, to use this title of Gene Pitney dating from 1962. A revisited version which works my faith very well !
1966 ... the years may change, but the dynamics of the incredible success she enjoys does not weaken by an Iota. And let's go to last like that for another bunch of years ...
1966 ... here she covers the title of Cher released the same year and the least we can say is that the copy is almost worth the original !
1966 ... still so light, still so playful. Another title that will remain among its most emblematic and which confirms, if necessary, its undeniable place as a phenomenon of the moment
1967 ... even if one feels the dawning of a very slight beginning of a slowdown, the young Annie continues to unroll in an impressive way to say the least. No one at this stage is able to compete with her, that's clear !
1967 ... the number of titles released each year continues to be bloated. This is at least 5 to 6 titles per year with a minimum of 3 major titles. Quite amazing !
1967 ... she is able to explore all areas, from the lightest to the most serious. A range of possibilities that literally crushes the competition and leaves it with only a few crumbs ...
1967 ... in the series of luxury covers, here comes the one of Tom Jones' flagship title dating from the same year. Quite simply a good job !
1968 ... we set off again in the light and airy, a field where its musical efficiency is formidable. Here comes a popular song made by a popular singer for a popular France. What more !
1968 ... it is clear that nobody will be able to counter her during this decade 60. The competition has only to chomp on the brakes while waiting for better days ...
1968 ... the great adventure continues. Admittedly, the level of production of titles begins to slow down but this in no way affects the overall quality level ...
1969 .... a decade of the 60s which saw her hatch, literally explode and smash everything in its path. At this stage, we imagine that the 1970s should look more or less to the previous one ...
1969 ... she will still have to think about evolving by closely following the latest musical trends of the moment. Nothing to worry about for the moment but vigilance is essential ...
1969 ... we end the Sixties in joy. A decade 60 which will have consecrated the young Annie as one of the major singers of the moment. But also to come ...
1970 ... which says new decade, says new opportunities and above all new possibilities. Well, for now, we are starting again on the same bases as during the previous decade. Be careful to think about evolving ...
1970 ... it is clear that she does not intend to change anything for the moment. Be careful not to overdo it easily ...
1971 ... then THIS title comes ! A providential title, in truth a luxury cover of the title "Tweedle dee, tweedle dum" of Middle of the Road dating from the same year, which will make a penoménal success in the French hexagon and position ideally the singer for the continuation of the events ...
1972 ... a group Middle of the Road which inspires her to the highest point since she covers here one of their titles namely "Samson & Delilah". And as before, it works godly fire !
1972 ... a year 1972 which saw her at the top of her form. All the titles that come out that year will almost instantly turn into solid gold !
1972 ... a year 1972 which ends in apotheosis with this title. The singer has perfectly negotiated the turn of the 70s and certainly does not intend to give an ounce of success to the competition ...
1973 ... a couple that will surely remain as one of the most glamorous of the decade. She already reigned hands down over the French musical landscape and she asserts her domination even more by adding a luxury lover. HU-GE !
1973 ... to 2 is necessarily better ! The singer is in top form, career and personal life. What more !
1973 ... the production of titles has nothing to do with that of the 60s, but it is clear that the quality level is constant. This is the essential as they say !
1974 ... the Sixties will have been the decade of light and playful songs. It is clear that the 1970s did not really take the same path ...
1974 ... we feel that everything related to the emotional and to romantic, even passionate relationships, obsess the singer as much as they inspire her. Be careful not to drown in it ...
1974 ... and it continues in the same register. A year 1974 definitely placed under the sign of existential and above all love questions ...
1975 ... a change of year which does not bring much novelty in terms of the theme approached but which at least allows the tempo to get carried away a little. All thanks to this excellent revisited version of Carol Douglas' title "Doctor's orders" dating from the same year
1975 ... from one extreme to another. After the track that sets the Dancefloor on fire, we go directly into Intimist mode with a dark but particularly captivating track in a large caliber version. Astonishing transition !
1975 ... and we follow the path in the opposite direction. Here she is setting fire to the Dancefloor without having had time to regain our senses ...
1976 ... we start again in a register that is already lighter and much more festive. After the beginning and the middle of the 1970s where she was obviously looking for herself, we feel like the beginning of relaxation ...
1976 ... another luxury cover with this revisited version of the Kiki & Pearly title dating from the same year. Nothing extraordinary but the title is sufficient in itself ...
1976 ... an uncomplicated Sheila at the top of her form and which is a pleasure to see. Everything unrolls quietly with disconcerting ease. Hope it lasts ...
1976 ... a pretty ballad which literally floats in the air and which asks only to do good to our ears. Well, it's a won bet !
1977 ... we continue in the luxury cover this time with a revisited version of Gianni Morandi's title "Sei forte papa" dating from the same year. Sympathetic, of course, but it is high time to look at what is happening in the USA and especially the new musical trends emerging there ...
1977 ... the metamorphosis ! That, to adapt, the singer has adapted ! And the result is astounding to say the least. All good as they say !
1977 ... the new Sheila has nothing to do with that of the previous year and especially the previous decade. A salutary metamorphosis which became completely essential to be able to survive at the end of the 1970s ...
1978 ... a Disco orientation that bears fruit title after title even if this one will not necessarily be his biggest success in this field ...
1978 ... which does not prevent her from alternating song in English and song in French, just to please his base fans. While keeping a top trendy rhythm, an essential thing !
1979 ... the end of the 1970s which still rhymes as much with the word Dance and which sees her being maintained at a more than certain qualitative level ...
1979 ... then THIS title comes ! Here she signs quite simply the biggest dance hit of her entire career and at the same time reaches a level of global notoriety that she never thought she would reach. MAS-TER-FUL !
1980 ... we have the impression of having gone back 5 years. Between the Sheila of the year 1979 and the Sheila of the year 1980, there is like a missing link. But what went well ...
1981 ... here she is back in English and as luck would have it, the level of success skyrocketed. Even if her accent in English has always left something to be desired, she is not doing that badly in the end ...
1981 ... the 60s will have had its share of covers, just like the 70s. There is no reason that this is not the case during the 80s : this time, she covers the title of Joe Dolce "Shaddap your face" from the same year. And like the other covers, it works !
1982 ... the rest will prove to be a little more complicated to manage than expected. The competition no longer gives any gifts and the singer is now part of the past for the younger generations. Attention danger...
1982 ... stealthy return to the English language to try to save what can still be saved. Unfortunately, this will not be enough to put the singer afloat sustainably ...
1982 ... we could have hoped that with this cover of Umberto Tozzi's flagship title "Gloria" dating from 1979, the tide finally turns and brings the singer back to the forefront. The success of the single will not be enough to produce the long-awaited miracle ...
1983 ... what she continues to offer largely holds up, but she has to face competition from young girls who are mostly 20 years younger than her. Impossible to fight on equal terms in these conditions ...
1983 ... she still believes in it anyway. She does everything to stick to the latest trends of the moment and her good will is a pleasure to see. But when it doesn't want anymore, it doesn't want anymore ...
1984 ... the second part of the 1980s saw her gradually disappear from the radar. Unfortunately, the gap between her and the competition is growing year after year ...
1984 ... almost 20 years after her debut, it is clear that the singer is doing now more some figuration than anything else. Hard law of the trade ...
1985 ... trendy sound, trendy style, everything is there to make this song work. And yet, nothing will ...
1985 ... she clings and resists against all odds and we can only salute this desire not to let go. Respect as they say !
1987 ... this very nice version of the Ronettes title "Be my baby" dating from 1964 works very well. Admittedly, a little outdated but we take, we take !
1987 ... a nostalgia for the 60s and 70s that permeates almost every title produced during the 80s. We will not do her again !
1988 ... a crossing of the 80s of the most honorable and which shows above all that a singer of her size is never finished. The proof once again with this title which largely holds the road !
1988 ... she will have gone through the 60s, then the 70s and here she is quietly ending the 80s without fuss or chacha. A longevity for the least exceptional and that she owes only one thing : her talent !
1989 ... a very late decade that rhymes with finesse and lightness. It is therefore a peaceful Sheila who ends her 3rd decade of career in the best possible way ...
1989 ... she believed in it until the end. And even if it has been a long time since she's been familiar with the stars, she will never have been ridiculous during this decade of the 80s. This will not necessarily have been the case with other singers from her generation ...
1992 ... she will even attempt the transition to the 90s. A passage at high risk and which unfortunately will not give anything ...
1999 ... yes, yes, it's the same one who sang "L'école est finie" 35 years ago. She will have crossed all eras, styles, sounds and fashions for nearly 40 years without ever being really out of fashion. Not beautiful that !
1999 ... no singer of her generation has tried so hard to adapt and evolve over the years and especially decades. And as always, without ever being ridiculous !
2002 ... almost 40 years after the start of an adventure that will have turned out to be absolutely extraordinary, the singer gives us here a high-class Intimist track in the form of a life balance. A record for the least incredible career side. Unfortunately, on the private side, fate will not have spared the singer with the disappearance in 2017 of her son Ludovic in the conditions that we know ...
2002 ... the beginning of the 2000s which saw her in full introspection. We feel that it is time for her to take stock of her life and especially to put it in writing. With the good times, like the bad ones. Anyway, we will only remember one thing : what a career !
2012... with each title, we tell ourselves that it will be the last and each time she comes back again and again ! Admittedly, 10 years will have passed between this title and the one that preceded it, but she is still there anyway...
2012...a desire to believe in it again and again, which undoubtedly commands respect. In any case, it is the basic fans who are delighted to see her return each time...
2012...and who are always asking for more. The singer tells herself that as long as she has things to offer and especially things to sing, she will come back inexorably. Who would blame her...
2021...she will have been present during every decade since the 60s ! Few singers of her generation can say the same, that's for sure...
2021... she also takes the opportunity each time to talk about very intimate things and to settle certain accounts that have not been settled until then. Songs are also for that...
2021... knowing her, we therefore imagine that this title will not be the last. Now it remains to be seen when she will decide to come back - or not - next time...
Wiki :
Official Website :
Greatest Hits :
Discography :