Bomb The Bass is a concept project by English musician Tim Simenon, a concept project that produced a first title "Beat dis" in 1988.
And for a first try, it's a real masterstroke since the title will make a real worldwide hit and launch the group in a sensational way to say the least on the front of the international music scene. Title which would contain on its own no less than 72 samples of other titles…
Success confirmed in the process with the release of the single "Megablast", originally the theme of a video game called Xenon 2 Megablast. Title that we find like its predecessor on the album "Into the dragon" which was released the same year and which, too, will know the favors of the public.
We will have to wait 3 years and the transition to the 90s to see the release of the new album "Unknown territory" in 1991. Album from which the title "Love so true" will be extracted first, a title which will have to be released, not under the name of Bomb The Bass, but under the name of Simenon himself.
A name change imposed by the 1st Gulf War and certain audiovisual censorships which blacklist groups with ambiguous names. A change of name which will strongly penalize the influence of the title and especially its success in the Charts…
The following single "Winter in July" will be able to be released with the real name of the group and its destiny in the Charts will be very different with a level of success achieved equivalent to its predecessors released a few years earlier...
Unfortunately, the comeback will be stealthy to say the least and the albums, as well as the Singles, which will be released thereafter will only experience a moderate level of success.
To discover or rediscover...
Discography (among others ...) :
80s Decade :
Beat dis 1988
Megablast 1988
Say a little prayer 1988
Don't make me wait 1988
90s Decade :
Love so true 1991
Winter in July 1991
The air you breathe 1991
Bug powder dust 1994
Darkheart 1994
1 to 1 religion 1995
Sandcastles 1995
2000s Decade :
Clear cut 2001
So special 2008
Black river 2008
2010s Decade :
Boy girl 2010
The infinites 2010
Up the mountain 2010
Where better 2013
Bleed into the sun 2013
Tracks :
1988...first title and planetary jackpot ! A sensational debut on the international music scene that will make this young artist one of the biggest revelations of the moment, just that. MAS-TER-FU-LLY played !
1988...he confirms in the process all the good that we could think of him and proves in a brilliant way that the enormous success previously met was anything but a phenomenal stroke of luck !
1988...daring to cover one of Dionne Warwick's reference titles dating from 1967 is a risky gamble, to say the least. And yet, it will be raised hands down !
1988...in an ocean of mega hits, this title will pass 'through' surprisingly. An incomprehensible underperformance...
1991... the artist rose too quickly and above all too high and what followed was going to be much more complicated to manage than expected. With an unscrewing in the Charts for the less violent...
1991... he will succeed in rising to the surface in extremis with this title but this will be his last planetary class hit. Who could have imagined such a turnaround...
1991 ... certainly the adventure will continue and he will not let go as they say. But even with the best goodwill he will not be able to turn the situation to his advantage in a consistent way...
1994...success is now almost exclusively limited to England and even more so for a very long time. Hard law of the trade...
1994... he will manage to make people talk about him a minimum during this year 1994 but we feel that he is no longer in the race at all. Too bad because everything had started in a way that was, to say the least, ideal...
1995...the last year in which he managed to obtain a minimum of recognition in relation to the work provided. It's better than nothing as they say...
1995 ... it must be said that the competition is plethoric in the middle of the 90s and above all does not give any gift. The artist will unfortunately learn it at his expense...
2001...we will lose sight of him for almost 6 years and here he is back in this new decade 2000 in a form that we will qualify as relative. In any case, insufficient to allow him to return to the race...
2008...new air hole of 7 years this time. The artist can't throw in the towel and tells himself that everything is always possible. Rightly or wrongly, that's something else...
2008...we're not going to lie to each other, the best years are now behind him. Afterwards, as long as he takes pleasure in doing what he does, isn't that already enough...
2010...the inspiration is somewhat back in this new decade of 2010 but the delay with the competition is such that a return to favor is a pure and simple miracle...
2010...too bad he didn't know how to negotiate the end of the 90s as he had to because he shows here that when he wants, he can. But it's too late now...
2010...it's funny how this 2010 decade sees an impressive number of former glories of the 80s return. A decade that inspires them to the highest degree at first sight. Why, how, good question...
2013...so, will this new opus be the last ? Only him can answer the question, but we know that with him, nothing is ever over...
2013...an end to the adventure that we imagine to be temporary. In any case, even if he did not return, he could always boast of having produced one of the flagship titles of the end of the 80s and just for that, respect as they say...
Wiki :
Greatest Hits :
Discography :