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Like a machine in the head...

Axel Bauer is a French singer and composer whose particularity, apart from the quality of his discography, is to have as father Franck Bauer, who was drummer for Django Reinhardt and one of the speakers of Radio London (Radio of the famous phrase: " The French speak to the French ”).

He started his musical career by learning to play the guitar at the age of 12 and played in independent rock groups in the early 1980s.

It was in 1983 that his fate would change overnight when one of his most enormous compositions, namely "Cargo", was released, a major title which was to be a real hit in France. Colossal success partly due to the now cult clip of Jean-Baptiste Mondino. It will be the first French clip to be broadcast on MTV !

It’s hard to do better the following year as this first single set the bar high. The single "Phantasmes" which was released in 1984 only met with average success despite its obvious quality.

In 1987 the album "The New Lords" was released, but nothing helped, sales still did not take off.

It was not until 1992 and the reworked version of "Eteins la lumière" that the singer found his way back to success. Short-lived success unfortunately.

He had a last major success in 2000 with the title "A ma place" which he performed in duet with Zazie. Over 600,000 copies will be sold.

Which will not prevent him from coming back later and producing other Singles of significant quality.

To discover or rediscover...


Discography (among others ...) :

80s  Decade :

  • Cargo 1983

  • Phantasmes 1984

  • Jessy 1987

  • Le jardin sauvage 1987

  • Laura 1988

  • L’arc en ciel 1989

90s  Decade :

  • Métamorphosis 1990

  • Révolution 1990

  • Maria 1990

  • Eteins la lumière 1990

  • Laisse venir 1997

  • Simple d'esprit 1998

  • Bonnie and Clyde 1998

2000s  Decade :

  • A ma place 2000

  • Mens moi 2000

  • Personne n'est parfait 2000

  • 2000 raisons 2000

  • Tu me tues 2006

  • Si je pouvais 2006

  • Aveugle et sourd 2006

  • Ma liberté 2006

2010s  Decade :

  • Souviens toi 2013

  • Pense à nous 2013

  • Elle est SM 2013

  • Tous les hommes à la mer 2013

  • Le jour de ça 2013

2020s   Decade :

  • C'est malin 2022

  • Ici Londres 2022

  • L'homme qui court 2023

  • Laisse venir 2023

  • Soldier 2024


Tracks :

1983 ... the shock ! The sensational arrival of a youngster out of nowhere and who will deliver one of the biggest dance hits of the end of the twentieth century on the French side. A career that got off to a great start ! A-MAZ-ING !

The visual version...

1984 ... and despite this colossal success, the sequel will not turn out to be as sumptuous as expected ... Despite a new title of more than certain quality, the singer does not manage to capitalize and repeat the feat

1987 ... a first 3-year break which in itself sums up the artist's career. Sumptuous years followed by years of withdrawal, or even total absence ...

1987 ... whatever it is, the artist's talent is evident and enables him to produce large caliber pieces. Quality is better than quantity as they say ...

1988 ... an astonishing foray into the Intimist register. Clearly more accustomed with him to punchy titles, he gives us here a title full of finesse that largely holds up

1989 ... a grandiose end of the decade which saw him release one of his biggest titles and probably one of his most successful. With him, you have to be patient, that's all ...

1990 ... the 90s will prove to be as complicated to manage as the 80s. There will be very highs ... and very lows ....

1990 ... not sure that 100 % reorientation is the best idea he's ever had. It beats, it spins at the speed of light but unfortunately it is to the detriment of the melody ...

1990 ... we go from one extreme to another. Here he is in totally electronic sound mode with a more than interesting result. We were rather 'Down' on the previous track. We are very much 'Up' on this one !

1990 ... and the very high, here it is. His second biggest hit which once again shows that he is not there by chance. Another clear proof of the fact that he is undeniably one of the biggest names of the 80s on the French side

1997 ... a decade which will see him produce only a few major titles. It's always better than nothing ...

1998...we're not going to lie to each other, the best years are now behind him. But it is clear that he still has things to offer and especially things to sing...

1998...he will even allow himself to sing in English on this title. It won't change much about the title's own destiny, but it will at least have tried...

2000 ... the legendary duo ! When two generations meet ... Even though they are almost the same age, it is really two distinct eras that intertwine wonderfully and produce here one of the biggest hits of their respective careers. MAS-TER-FUL !

2000...difficult for this title to compete with the previous steamroller. Be that as it may, he proves with this start of the 2000s with a bang that we will still have to count on him in the years to come...

2000...even if it becomes harder and harder to fight on equal terms with the younger generation, he in any case does not allow himself to be more impressed than that. A desire to believe in it always and again which undeniably commands respect... he says himself, he has 2000 believe it ! While many colleagues who started at the same time as him threw in the towel a long time ago, he is still there in any case. A longevity that we can only salute !

2006...we will lose sight of him for nearly 6 years and here he is back in this year 2006 in a form that we will qualify as certain. A certain form which will not be enough to bring him back to the front of the race but no matter, he is indeed back once again...

2006...he continues on his merry way without worrying too much about the results in the Charts. Afterwards, rightly or wrongly, that's something else... any case, we will largely be satisfied with what he continues to offer given the level of quality which remains largely sufficient. Talent does not disappear overnight, it is clear...

2006...a new opus with more than certain quality and which is full of titles not devoid of interest, it is clear. We definitely want more !

2013... with each title, we tell ourself that it may be the last and each time he comes back. This time he will disappear from the radar for almost 7 years and he is back again in this new decade of 2010. Unstoppable the little guy !

2013...still good work once again. Too bad that the younger generations are not more interested in him because he is one of the rare survivors of the 80s to still hold the road...

2013...the main thing for him is to continue doing what he simply loves. At some point, in a career, only pleasure counts in what you do, no matter the rest...

2013...a duo 100 % old glories of the 80s. It's always nice to see old big names from past decades pushing the song together. With one of the nicest results...

2013...a 2013 Vintage of quality with a plethora of titles that hold up. His talent changes very little and in any case allows him to continue to exist without having to be ashamed of what he produces...

2022... he won't let go until the end. At the age of 60, we find him again at the start of the 2020s in a form that, like the other times, we will qualify as certain...

2022... so we imagine that this title will surely not be the last. Because you have to know, with him, nothing is ever over !




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