Jane Siberry, real name Jane Stewart, is a Canadian singer-songwriter who began composing her first songs at the age of 17, although she says she had them in mind long before.
She released her eponymous debut album in 1981, an album which was to be highly regarded and which enabled her to move from the independent label Duke Street Records to the much more prestigious label A&M Records.
Although she signed with a major label, she was still going to have to wait for 1984 and above all to reorient her sound before her new album "No borders here" was released. Album which will know a significant success in particular thanks to the single flagship “Mimi on the beach”.
Another notorious success a year later in 1985 with the release of the album "The speckless sky", an album from which the hit "One more color" was mainly extracted, a title which remains to this day the biggest success of his career.
The album "The walking" which came out in 1988 was not really going to achieve the same level of success as its predecessor and struggled to produce any hits. The album "Bound by the beauty" which came out in 1989 will already perform a little better thanks to the title "The life is the red wagon".
The 1990s will unfortunately see the singer fall into alcoholism, an addiction which will somewhat disrupt her creativity but which will not prevent her from experiencing a new major success with the single "Calling all angels" in 1992, track extracted of the album "When I was a boy" which will be released a year later in 1993.
A major success which will unfortunately be his last because anything that comes out afterwards will only have a very limited impact with the public.
To discover or rediscover.
Discography (among others ...) :
Mimi on the beach 1984
You don’t need 1984
I muse aloud 1984
One more colour 1985
Map of the world (Part II) 1986
Ingrid and the footman 1988
The life is the red wagon 1992
Calling all angels 1992
Sail across the water 1993
Temple 1993
It can’t rain all the time 1994
Lovin' cup 1995
Oh my my 1995
Puppet city 1996
Viking heart 1996
All through the night 2000
As I roved out 2000
I know that my Redeemer Liveth 2003
Breatk forth, O beauteous heavenly light 2003
Oui allo (Issa) 2008
You never know (Who you're talking to) (Issa) 2008
Then we heard a shout (Issa) 2009
Act3 : Meshach dreams back 2011
Act9 : imagine a world 2011
Hide not your light 2016
Walk on water 2017
Anytime 2017
Everything 2017
Clips :
1984 ... first title and already first success. An ideal start to say the least and which ideally positions the singer for the rest of the events ...
1984 ... a talent and above all a potential just waiting to be expressed. Whether in the rhythmic field or in the Intimist, she demonstrates an already obvious know-how !
1984 ... a year 1984 which allowed her to build up slowly but surely. We therefore imagine that the rest will be up to the task. And it will be !
1985 ... which will remain as her biggest success. From the second year, she already reached consecration with an ease to say the least bluffing. HU-GE !
1986 ... obviously, if she reaches consecration the previous year, the rest can only be a notch below. And it is de facto !
1988 ... what she continues to offer is nice, of course. But the level of inspiration has weakened somewhat, it is clear ...
1992 ... here she happened the following decade. Unfortunately, that won't be a game-changer for her. At least for now ...
1992 ... furtive return of success thanks to this Intimist title which obviously holds up. Nothing exceptional but a good job, quite simply ...
1993 ... it is clear that she will not remain as the most talented singer of her generation but she will at least have had the merit of offering titles of certain quality. We will largely be satisfied with it !
1993 ... the adventure continues for good even if the level of success leaves something to be desired. It is clear that it will not continue like this for years to come unfortunately ...
1994...an adventure that is still far from over. Certainly, the singer will gradually disappear from the Charts but she is far from having said everything, or at least from having sung everything...
1995...a second part of a career that will take a very different turn. Not necessarily on this title but especially on everything that will follow behind...
1995... the singer will switch into a parallel musical universe to almost never leave it again. A universe of her own...
1996...in a decade when the tempos went crazy, she on the other hand decided to play it with finesse and softness. A daring bet that will inevitably isolate her from the rest of the troop...
1996... time is like suspended on this kind of title and we let ourselves be gently lulled by these very simple but so effective melodies...
2000... it is certain that she is not likely to attract the young generation with this kind of melody but she decided to continue the adventure in her own way and outside of all dictas imposed by the record companies...
2000...the voice of the angels. It is clear that a young singer could absolutely not start her career with titles like this. But a singer with a career like Jane can afford it...
2003...afterwards, it is clear that this bias inevitably limits its audience with the general public. But the main thing for her is to have fun and above all to do what she wants and certainly not what we would like her to do...
2003...finesse, lightness and softness. These have been her mottoes for a number of years now and she has no intention of changing course. Rightly or wrongly, that's something else...
2008...she will still try to return to the 'normal world' under a new name. She will have at least tried, even if the impact on the general public will be very limited...
2008...regardless of the results, she continues to believe in it. She crosses eras and fashions as she sees fit and above all in a mode of operation that she alone masters...
2009...the production of titles remains impressive, it is clear. While many singers would have already been discouraged for a long time, she decided to push the experience as far as possible...
2011...it will have gone through the 80s, then the 90s, then the 2000s and here she is in this new decade of 2010. Who would have thought...?
2011...already 30 years of career and a desire to believe in it again and again, which indisputably commands respect. Afterwards, will she still be able to resist for years and years, not sure...
2016...we can still see a slowdown in the production of titles. We suspected that at some point the gap with the competition was going to become so important that it would be more and more difficult for her to stay in business...
2017...even if the production of titles slows down, what she continues to produce is far from ridiculous, it is clear. A singer really apart as they say...
2017...in her place, more than one would have thrown in the towel a long time ago, but nothing and no one seems to be able to tell her to put an end to the adventure. Amazing adventure...
2017...we therefore suspect that this title will surely not be the last. Because you have to know, with her, nothing is ever over and she still risks surprising us in the years to come...
Wiki :
Official Website :
Greatest Hits :
Discography :