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Like a symphony of destruction...

Megadeth is an American band formed in Los Angeles in 1983 by Dave Mustaine after the latter was dropped from the Metallica group following his alcohol and drug abuse but also due to recurring conflicts with some members of the group.

A group in which he will be quickly joined by David Ellefson and Greg Handevidt.

A first album "Killing is my business...and business is good!" was released in 1985 thanks to the signing with the Combat Records label, an album with modest success and which will not produce a big Single.

Change of label in 1986 and arrival at Capitol Records, new label with which they will produce the album "Peace sells...but who's buying ?". Album which will be a nice success in the United States mainly.

They will have to wait 2 more years and the year 1988 to produce a first album with a global impact namely "So far, so what !". Album from which the Singles "Mary Jane" and "Anarchy in the U.K." will be extracted.

It is the transition to the following decade that will allow them to increase their level of fame a little more with the release in 1990 of the album "Rust in peace". Album carried by the huge Single "Holy wars...the punishment due".

But the consecration, the real one, comes 2 years later with the release of the enormous album "Countdown to extinction", album which will be a real global hit and produce what will remain as the biggest Single of all their discography namely "Symphony of destruction".

A feat that they will not be able to reproduce later despite the release of many albums and Singles thereafter...

To discover or rediscover...


Discography (among others...) :

80s  Decade :

  • Wake up dead 1986

  • Peace sells 1986

  • Mary Jane 1988

  • Anarchy in the U.K. 1988

  • In my darkest hours 1988

  • Hook in mouth 1988

  • Liar 1988

90s  Decade :

  • No more Mr. Nice Guy 1990

  • Holy wars…The punishment due 1990

  • Hangar 18 1991

  • Foreclosure of a dream 1992

  • Symphony of destruction 1992

  • Skin o’ my teeth 1993

  • Sweating bullets 1993

  • Angry again 1993

  • 99 ways to die 1993

  • Crown of worms 1994

  • Train of consequences 1994

  • A tout le monde 1995

  • One thing 1997

  • Trust 1997

  • Almost honnet 1997

  • Use the man 1998

  • A secret place 1998

  • Crush ‘em 1999

2000s  Decade :

  • Breadline 2000

  • Insomnia 2000

  • Kill the king 2001

  • Moto psycho 2001

  • Dread and the fugitive man 2001

  • Die dead enough 2004

  • Blackmail the universe 2004

  • Of mice and men 2005

  • The scorpion 2005

  • Gears of war 2006

  • Sleepwalker 2007

  • Washington is next ! 2007

  • Never walk alone... A call to arms 2007

  • Head crusher 2009

2010s  Decade :

  • The right to go insane 2010

  • 44 minutes 2010

  • Sudden death 2010

  • Never dead 2011

  • Public enemy N°1 2011

  • Whose life (Is it anyways) ? 2011

  • Super collider 2013

  • Kingmaker 2013

  • Burn ! 2013

  • Fatal illusion 2015

  • The threat is real 2015

  • Dystopia 2016

  • Post american world 2016

2020s  Decade :

  • We'll be back 2022

  • Night stalkers 2022

  • Soldier on ! 2022

  • The sick, the dying...and the dead ! 2022

  • Delivering the goods 2022


Tracks :

1986...first title and first success right away, that's what you call a pretty ideal start. Now it remains to be seen whether it wasn't just a stroke of luck...

1986...this title will do a little less well than its predecessor but without calling into question the excellent start to the career achieved by the group...

1988...the proof with this new title which allows the group to extend its level of influence to the planetary level from now on...

1988...the rise in power is linear and allows the group to move from level to level with relative ease...

1988...certainly not all titles will have their moment of glory but a career is built over the long term and there are inevitably ups and downs... must be said that their musical niche is far from being for everyone, to say the least. It's difficult in these conditions to have mega hits one after the other...

1988...they are moving forward at their own speed and all they have left to do is produce THE title that will really put them at the top of the hierarchy...

1990...the big take-off did not take place during the 80s but the group managed to make a name for himself, a real one. Now it is necessary to aim for a semblance of consecration...

1990...they're going to get closer to it a little during this year 1990 with two big hits obtained one after the other. It is clear that the top of the mountain is getting closer by leaps and bounds...

1991...only one title will be released during this year 1991 but will allow the group to add a new star to a prize list which is beginning to contain a few...

1992...a rather successful start to 1992 with this new title. Of course, the success will be somewhat limited but there is no need to worry about them, especially when we see what is on the horizon...

1992...because here comes THE title of consecration, the real one ! They took a while to get it but this time it was the right one with this mega global hit that gave them glory, fortune and a direct ticket to posterity. HU-GE ! always, the top of the mountain having been reached, it will be necessary to come down. It all depends now at what speed...

1993...we are not yet talking about a complete unscrewing but the level of success has still drastically dropped. Beware of danger...

1993...they will manage to stay afloat by hook or by crook during this year 1993 but it is clear that the best years are now behind them...

1993...they will therefore have to redouble their efforts in the coming years if they do not want to be irreversibly left behind by the competition...

1994...fortunately the albums continue to do well because that's the only positive point at the moment. Because on the Singles side, we can't say that things are really improving...

1994...they will manage to raise their heads a little with this new title but it will be the last time. Times are getting harder and harder for the group... much as the first part of the decade saw them at their best, the second part will see them struggling somewhat... they're going to have to hang on because the winds are becoming contrary and we really wonder if they're going to manage to resist like this for much longer...

1997...fortunately their native land continues to support them clearly in terms of Singles, otherwise the mass would have been said a long time ago...

1997...a little over 10 years after their debut it is clear that the game has become somewhat complicated. Which does not prevent them from continuing to believe in it a minimum in any case...

1998...and on principle who could blame them. Because as long as the base of basic fans remains substantial, all hope remains permitted...

1998...they continue to move forward in any case and that's the main thing. As long as they enjoy what they do, why throw in the towel prematurely...

1999...they end their second decade of career here with the firm intention of not giving up as usual. So we imagine that there will be a sequel to all this...

2000...and there is indeed more. Nothing and no one is able to force them to stop given the still high level of albums sales...

2000...why stop there, they say, since the fans continue to support them so obviously. It can't be otherwise...

2001...for the moment the Singles are still selling very well. So it doesn't matter if the competition is already far ahead...

2001... it's a long time ago, of course, but the group hasn't completely broken away from the leading pack yet. It's rather at the back, but it's there...

2001...rare are the titles that really 'go through' but it still happens. The proof with this new title which will make the cruel experience...

2004...this one will come out a little better but only just. The essential is preserved and that is what is essential as they say... always their style and sound remain intended for a discerning audience but they resist time and fashions in a way that is, to say the least, astonishing...

2005...for how much longer, good question. What is certain in any case is that they are still there, which is not the case for all the groups that started at the same time as them, it must be noted...

2005...what was feared is happening, that is to say a pure and simple disappearance from the Charts. At least Singles for the moment...

2006... because on the albums side, sales continue to be sufficient to keep their heads above water. Thanks to the basic fans once again...

2007...without the constant support of the core fans the case would have been judged a long time ago, let's not lie to ourselves. But that's also what core fans are for...

2007...always be there when things go wrong and clouds gather overhead. For now, umbrella fans are doing the job as they say...

2007...and as long as they are there the adventure will continue and continue. Great tenacity in any case from a group that never gives up as always...

2009...a decade of the 2000s which saw them survive at all costs, which is already a real feat in itself given the musical context in which they evolve...

2010...they are starting their 4th decade of career here, telling themselves that everything is always possible as long as you believe in it a little bit... principle they are absolutely right because we know that in music nothing is ever finished. A maxim that they have made their own in a more than obvious way...

2010...they really impress with their ability to resist headwinds and changes in fashion. They don't change in any case...

2011...a strength as much as a weakness but it has always allowed them to go the distance. Time has proven them right in any case...

2011...the strength of these out of the ordinary groups is also to have a basic audience that remains constant from beginning to end...

2011...because when you love this particular style of music you love it for life. Few core fans have gone from this type of music to Pop...

2013...the group knows particularly well that he will always be able to count on this unmovable base of unconditional fans and he takes advantage of it as much as possible...

2013...he takes advantage of it to not change anything. Too bad because there is always a way to mix tradition and modernity...

2013...we would have liked it to be the case but it's not their niche at first glance. With them it's a beating and overspeed for starters, main courses and desserts...'s always been like that and it will remain like that until the end. We won't remake them again as they say, especially if the albums continue to sell well... long as they continue to serve as a reference in their chosen musical field, that's more than enough for them at first glance...

2016...they don't ask for more and it doesn't matter if purely commercial success has not been there for some time...

2016...except from time to time like this year 2016 which will allow them to classify the two titles that will be released. Like what...

2022...surprisingly we will lose sight of them for almost 6 years but here they are again anyway. A desire to believe in it until the end that undoubtedly commands respect...

2022...we are still in the 5th decade of career, an achievement that must be highlighted at its true value. And the story could go on and on...

2022...especially when they manage to rank their titles again like this one. Who would have imagined that they would still be here almost 40 years later...

2022...they will always come back again and again as long as they have things to offer and at first glance this is still the case...

2022...we therefore imagine that this title will surely not be the last because we know well, with them, nothing is ever finished !


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