Little interesting information about Angelo Branduardi, except the fact that he is an Italian singer-songwriter who will remain mainly in the musical history of this end of the XXth century for the large-caliber Single “La pulce d'aqua” released in 1979 .
But who will also remain known for all his works based on sounds and styles of the past.
As such alone, he deserved this article.
To discover or rediscover.
Discography (among others ...) :
Re di speranza 1974
Per creare i suoi occhi 1974
La luna 1975
Tanti anni fa 1975
Donna mia 1975
La favola degli aironi 1976
Canzone del rimpianto 1976
Il ciliegio 1977
Nascita di un lago 1977
Il marinaio 1977
La pulce d'acqua 1977
The stag 1978
Cogli la prima mela 1979
Se tu sei il cielo 1979
La raccolta 1979
Le cerisier 1979
La demoiselle 1979
Tanti anni fa 1980
Gli alberi sono alti 1980
Va où le vent te mène 1980
L'uomo e la nuvola 1980
Musica 1981
L'amico 1981
La cagna 1981
Girotondo 1982
Cercando l’oro 1983
L'isola 1983
Il libro 1983
Ora che il giorno è finito 1983
Vanità di vanità 1983
I cigni di coole 1986
Innisfree, l'isola sul lago 1986
1 aprile 1965 1988
Il primo della classe 1988
Fame di sole 1988
La strage 1988
Secondo pozio pilato 1988
Bella faccia 1990
Il bambino dei topi 1990
Si puo fare 1992
Noi, come fiumi 1992
Domenica e lunedi 1994
Fou de love 1994
La donna della sera 1994
Loibere risen 1996
Calenda maia 1996
Il giocatore di biliardo 1998
La parola ai mimi 1998
La comica finale 1998
Suite dell'arboscello 1999
Suite della paganina 1999
Il cantico delle creature 2000
Divina commedia : Paradiso, canto XI 2000
Il ballerino 2002
Tu dormi, io veglio 2002
Laila, Laila 2003
Notturno indiano 2003
Ille mi par esse deo...un Dio mi pare 2003
Viva sempre 2007
O bene mio 2007
Il denaro dei nani 2009
La tempesta 2009
La canzone di aengus 2009
Forestieri e la ventura 2009
Cinta di rose 2009
Il Tedesco 2010
Pan de miglio 2010
Gira la testa 2011
Barbriallen 2011
Baidin Fheilimi 2013
Lord Franklin 2013
Stanotte me sonnai 2014
Oggi è nato un bel bambino 2014
Clips :
1974...the first steps of a young singer with potential from the first title. It remains to be seen what he will do with this potential...
1974...for the moment nothing indicates at this stage that he is not going to do anything like the others both in terms of style and sound...
1975...for the moment he respects the standards of its time, it is clear. An obvious talent just waiting to express itself at first sight...
1975...in just 2 years he established himself as one of the great revelations of the moment. And this is only the beginning because we are away for a few years or even a few decades...
1975...what will quickly predominate about him is that he is not very interested in modern technologies in terms of sound and that he prefers to favor traditional instruments which have proven themselves...
1976...but we can't imagine at this stage how much he loves old instruments. It is especially the next decade that will show this more than clearly...
1976...for the moment no precise indications on this subject, a decade of 70 which saw him produce magnificent titles all with finesse and lightness very much of his time...
1977...on the other hand it is certain that this style and this sound will not ignite all the Dancefloors on the planet, that's for sure...
1977...a bias that he will fully embrace and which will even become his trademark. A style that will very quickly become unique in its kind...
1977...a truly special talent for titles that literally float in the air. A way of doing things that he will impose title after title...
1977...then comes THIS title which will undoubtedly remain its most emblematic title, despite a style which does not correspond at all to the musical standards of the moment. A real feat as they say. HU-GE !
1978 ... a unique style of its kind that will be as much its strength as its weakness. Especially at the end of the decade when the Disco reigns as undisputed master over the entire planet ...
1979...but that doesn't bother him in the slightest, it's clear. Especially since he will once again be popular with the public with this new title...
1979...it is clear that we absolutely should not expect titles with a frenzied rhythm from him. It will never be his core target, that's for sure...
1979...a decade of the 70s which saw him blossom and then quickly establish himself as one of the most talented artists of his generation, in his own style of course...
1979...he will experience his hour of glory in France at the end of the decade with several titles starting with this one...
1979...but it is above all this title which will allow him to close this decade in the best possible way with a high level of success...
1980...as much as the 70s allowed him to express himself as he wished with a particularly receptive audience, the 80s were not going to be as favorable to him at this level...
1980...and yet we cannot say that what he continues to offer lacks interest, far from it. But his particular style no longer corresponds at all to the expectations of young audiences...
1980 ... what is certain is that he does not intend to change anything in this new 80s decade. His will to move forward at all costs requires respect. On the other hand, it is clear that what follows will prove to be particularly complicated to manage given the advance that the competition has already taken ...
1980...it is clear that in the age of synthesizers and drum machines, it will become more and more difficult for him to compete with all the new artists who are showing up...
1981...he will really be a UFO in this decade where everything is Dance à gogo. And it's not going to get better over the years, that's clear...
1981...either he doesn't realize at all what's happening around him or he doesn't care at all. Only him can answer this question...
1981...after all those who love his style, and there are still some, can only rejoice to see him continue to produce titles where quality is always essential...
1982 ... a career outside the paths most others have decided to take. This is also the magic of the 80s, daring the unthinkable ...
1983 ... he goes for good but it is clear that there is only him to believe in it. There are only his base fans left to hope for a miracle ...
1983...but he will never be able to return to the race during this decade with such special titles. There is definitely a price to pay when you decide not to do anything like everyone else...
1983...and more and more he begins to accustom us to what he will produce in the future, namely titles completely out of time...
1983...on certain tracks he still uses modern instruments so when he wants he can. But only when he wants...
1983...not really in the same style as its previous title, it has to be said. He slowly shifts towards the future musical world in which he wants to lead us...
1986...a shift that will take some time. For the moment he maintains roughly the same course on titles full of finesse and lightness mainly...
1986...even if he is no longer in keeping with the times, we can only appreciate this inspiration which continues to produce titles of more than certain quality...
1988...he managed to get through the 1980s, completely outside the system and its imperatives of success at all costs. Bluffing...
1988...and we are far, very far from the end of the adventure. What he produces next will surprise more than one person, that's for sure...
1988...because he made real efforts to stay on track. But soon he will decide to take side paths that no one could have imagined...
1988...he even tried his hand at film music. It must be said that its very particular style can lend itself particularly well in certain cases...
1988...it is certain that soundtracks that require finesse and lightness are made for him. Past Master in the matter and in an indisputable way...
1990...here he is, starting this new 90s decade with the firm intention of not giving up and, above all, not changing anything...
1990...extremely daring and above all extremely risky bet. A risk that he accepts perfectly and which does not disturb him more than that at first glance...
1992...afterwards when we see what he continues to offer us we would really have a hard time telling him that he is going straight into the wall if he continues like that...
1992...a truly astonishing level of inspiration that resists time, fashions and the pressure of the star system. A truly unique model...
1994...he continues his adventure quietly but surely to the delight of his core fans. All is well in the best of all possible worlds...
1994...who could have imagined that he would last so long with this very particular style that characterizes him ? Not many people, that's for sure...
1994...what has always saved him is this ability to produce such particular titles while continuing from time to time to produce titles that are a little more in tune with the times. There are few but there are...
1996...a decade of the 90s which will see him suddenly shift into another world. Here he is now as an explorer of ancient worlds...
1996...we can love old music but to do it again yourself is an extremely daring bet to say the least...
1998...we tell ourselves that it was only an interlude and that he will have had fun at least once. But he's going to come back to it a lot of times...
1998...because between what he produces here and what he produced with his first 'Futuro Antico' there is an ocean as they say, to say the least...
1998...he will now alternate contemporary music and traditional music in a very surprising way, to say the least...
1999... here comes the second foray into ancient times and the style and sound used can really surprise more than one...
1999...many artists change musical register in the second part of their career but he decided to dare to do what no other had dared to do before him...
2000...he will have gone through the 70s, then the 80s, then the 90s and here he is proudly starting this new 2000 decade with the firm intention of not giving up as usual...
2000...what is certain in any case is that he is still there which is not the case for a bunch of artists who started at the same time as him. Like what...
2002...third ancient episode which once again sees him particularly at ease in this register. A register that he will decline a certain number of times...
2002...daring to produce pieces like these at the start of the 2000s is truly a crazy bet. Which doesn't scare him in the slightest, it's clear...
2003...back to the modern world once again. Suddenly it's new new, suddenly it's new old. We won't remake him again, that's for sure because it's set to last like this until the end...
2003...it impresses doubly with its level of productivity, whether in contemporary mode or in older mode...
2003...because the albums follow one another at a speed that is impressive to say the least, at least for an artist who started his career a bunch of years ago...
2007...new return to the past which once again can seem hallucinating to say the least in this decade of the 2000s...
2007...which poses no problem for him in any case because he loves these surrealist forays into these very distant eras...
2009... here he ends a 4th decade of career which nevertheless proves that he is able to withstand the wear and tear of time and a competition which considers him a real UFO...
2009...an exceptional longevity for an artist truly unlike any other and who masterfully proves that we can last even when we take astonishing paths...
2009...more than one would have predicted that he would not go beyond the 90s and yet not only has he passed it but he will even begin the 2010s in a short time...
2009...it would have been surprising if he didn't end the decade with some sounds from the past. It is now done...
2009...the only thing we can criticize about his old sounds is that they all sound the same. A little diversity wouldn't hurt, quite the contrary...
2010...we ended the previous decade in old times mode and we start the new one again in the same mode. When there is no more, there is still...
2010...we therefore imagine that this 2010 decade will be equal to the previous ones, namely a mix between new and very old sounds...
2011...his desire to believe in it until the end commands respect regardless because more than one in his place would have thrown in the towel a long time ago. Not him anyway...
2011...because continuing to not respect any professional code on what should work or not, commercially speaking, is a real feat on his part...
2013...it now remains to be seen how much longer he will be able to stand alone in such a particular musical niche...
2013...he really should teach younger generations how to succeed in lasting when nothing predisposes to being able to do so...
2014...we suspected that we were going to go back to the past very soon. He will return there as often as he can, that's for sure...
2014...so last title or not ? As with him everything is always possible, he could come back at one time or another, that's clear...
Wiki :
Official Website :
Greatest Hits :
Discography :