Debarge is an American group created at the very beginning of the 80s and composed exclusively of members of the Debarge family namely Bunny, Mark, Randy, El, James and Bobby.
After a first track "What’s your name" released in 1981 and taken from their first album "The Debarges" (both of which went completely unnoticed), the group would finally experience their first success the following year in 1982 with the track "Stop ! don’t tease me". Title taken from their new album "All this love" which came out the same year and which was also going to be a significant success.
New major hits a year later in 1983 with the release of the album "In a special way", album which will mainly produce two major hits that are "Time will reveal" and "Love me in a special way" , released in 1984.
But it is especially the year 1985 that will allow them to touch the stars with the release of their flagship album "Rhythm of the night", album which will make a real worldwide hit and explode their notoriety. Album from which will be extracted the biggest success of all their discography, namely the Single which bears the name of the album. And to a lesser extent "Who's holding donna now", which will also have a remarkable career in the Charts.
A huge success which will unfortunately be short-lived because El and Bunny leave the group in full adventure to stand on their own and start solo careers. A successful solo career for El but much less so for Bunny. Two major departures that will cause the inevitable decline of the group and its outright disappearance.
To discover or rediscover...
Discography (among others ...) :
80s Decade :
What's your name 1981
Stop ! Don't tease me 1982
I like it 1982
All this love 1983
Time will reveal 1983
Love me in a special way 1984
Rhythm of the night 1985
Who’s holding donna now 1985
You wear it well 1985
The heart is not so smart 1985
Dance all night 1987
I got you babe 1987
Related link El DeBarge :
Tracks :
1981 ... an extremely rare thing, the group starts his career in Intimist mode. A daring and above all unfortunately failed bet. And this despite a title of more than certain quality ...
1982 ... the group does not make the same mistake a second time and goes straight back to Dance. And as luck would have it, this time it works. First ranked hit !
1982 ... but we feel that there is no question for them to ignore the Intimist. After a first unsuccessful attempt, they put the table back on. The second attempt will be the right one !
1983 ... the proof once again with this title. The Intimist is an area that suits them rather well, it is clear. Race results : ever increasing success !
1983 ... 4 titles released since their beginnings including 3 in the Intimist, an extremely rare thing once again. Even if they are really good in this area, it would still be good if at one point they diversified their production a little ...
1984 ... in any case, it will not be for the year 1984. A single title year which sees them maintaining a very correct level but without really making sparks. The sparks will be for the following year !
1985 ... given what happens, we no longer speak of sparks but of fireworks, squarely ! An absolutely masterful return to Dance which allows the group to simply sign one of the biggest hits of the decade. This time, they hit the jackpot and go back to the musical legend of the 80s for good. MO-NU-MEN-TAL !
1985 ... a very short Dance parenthesis. Here they are again directly in Intimist mode. A winning return to the view of the title's sales scores. The biggest success of all their discography in this area !
1985 ... an enormous year 1985 with a plethora of titles and above all, a plethora of hits. Admittedly, this one will not be the most famous but remains all the same one of their titles among the most emblematic !
1985 ... last Single of the year. The 'little' hit of the year but 4 titles classified for a single year, that's what we call a full box. The best year of the group necessarily ...
1987 ... small air gap in 1986 and return to Dance mode in this year 1987. Their last year of existence before 2 of the members decide to stand on their own feet ...
1987 ... we started in Ultimate Slow mode, we ended up in the same mode, the circle has come full circle. This will be a cut above and allows the group to bow out gently ...
Wiki :
Greatest Hits :
Discography :