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Moving pictures...

Rush is a Canadian band formed in Toronto in 1968 and originally composed of Geddy Lee, Alex Lifeson, John Rutsey and Jeff Jones. A group that can boast of having sold no less than 40 million records around the world to date, just that.

Like any good group in formation, the group first roamed basements and performed mainly in high school concerts before moving on to clubs and bars from the year 1971.

The group is also starting to send models to several labels, which systematically refuse them. What pushes the group to create its own label 'Moon Records'. It was with this label that they released their first single "Not fade away" in 1973, a cover of the Crickets' title that would bring them their first entry success.

Their eponymous first album came out a year later in 1974 and also met a very favorable fate, in particular thanks to the single "In the mood", their first original composition. But also with the title "Working man" which contains a guitar solo that will stay in history.

New album "Fly by night" a year later in 1975 album with equivalent success which will mainly produce the single of the same name. A year 1975 which will see the release of a second album "Careless of steel" unfortunately with much less favorable success. A failure partly due to a revolutionary musical style desired by the group but particularly badly received by critics ...

Criticisms that the group does not take into account since the group released in 1976 an album "2112" with an always experimental side (one of the pieces lasts 20 minutes). This does not prevent the album from being better received than its predecessor by the general public, but it will struggle to produce any big-caliber single ...

The year 1977 saw the release of the album "A farewell to kings", album which saw the group clearly evolve in its sound. An album which gives the group its first notorious global success on the album side, in particular thanks to the success of the single "Closer to the heart".

A rise in power that was not confirmed with the release in 1978 of the album "Hemispheres", an album of lesser success and which did not produce any major single.

It is the transition to the 80s that will force the group to evolve once again on the sound side. A new development, to say the least, salutary because the quality of the album "Permanent waves" produced in 1980 will allow them to finally obtain a level of planetary recognition after which they have been chasing since their beginnings.

The album will be a hit on both sides of the Atlantic and allow them to get one of their biggest single hits with the track "The spirit of radio". And will make people talk about another title called "Freewill", a title that will not be released as a single this year but which will contribute to the influence of the album all the same.

The real consecration came a year later in 1981 with the release of the album "Moving Pictures", an enormous album that produced two huge singles "Limelight" but also, and above all, "Tom Sawyer". The group is then at the height of its career and proceeds with ease, to say the least, impressive.

New sound evolution from the year 1982 with a preponderant place given to synthesizers in the album "Signal" which came out that year. And once again, the change is bearing fruit since the group will get the most success of all its single-side discography with the title "New world man". Which will be followed by little by another big-caliber single called "Subdivisions".

And the adventure continued in earnest in 1984 with the release of the album "Grace under pleasure", an album which saw the group's fame gain even more worldwide recognition. Even if the dissensions within the group are more and more numerous on the omnipresence of synthesizers in their music, this will not prevent the album from being a hit and being carried at arm's length by the enormous single "The body electric".

New album "Power Windows" in 1985, album which proves once again that the group once again masters its subject perfectly. Album from which will be extracted mainly the successful single "The big money". Ditto for the album "Hold your fire" which was released two years later in 1987 and which allowed them to add a new star to an already very well-stocked chart with the single "Time stand still".

Successful albums followed one another with the release in 1989 of the album "Presto", then "Roll the bones" in 1991, "Counterparts" in 1993 and "Test for echo" in 1996. But the gradual abandonment of the synthesizer for the benefit of guitars in particular will not really succeed. Because none of these 4 albums will produce a planetary hit worthy of the name, putting a serious brake on the great adventure.

This will not prevent them from returning during the 2000s with 3 new albums. But only the single "Caravan" which will be released in 2010, taken from the album "Clockwork angels" which will be released two years later in 2012, will allow them to obtain a last notorious success in the single ...

To discover or rediscover.

Discography (among others ...) :

  • Not fade away 1973

  • In the mood 1974

  • Working man 1974

  • Fly by night 1975

  • Closer to the heart 1977

  • Circumstances 1978

  • The spirit of radio 1980

  • Entre nous 1980

  • Freewill 1980

  • Limelight 1981

  • Tom Sawyer 1981

  • Vital signs 1981

  • New world man 1982

  • Subdivisions 1982

  • Countdown 1983

  • Distant early warning 1984

  • The body electric 1984

  • Afterimage 1984

  • The big money 1985

  • Mystic rhythms 1986

  • Time stand still 1987

  • Prime mover 1988

  • Show don’t tell 1989

  • The pass 1990

  • Roll the bones 1991

  • Ghost of a chance 1992

  • Nobody’s hero 1994

  • One little victory 2002

  • Caravan 2010


Clips :

1973 ... it is this revisited version of the title of Buddy Holly and his Crickets dating from 1957 which will launch the career of the group. Here we go for a great and beautiful adventure that will last a few years, see a few decades ...

1974 ... the first original title. A title that pleases in any case because it will allow the group to obtain its first success in all of North America ...

1974 ... a trendy tone and style for the time. The basics are good, now remains to build up slowly but surely ...

1975 ... they will have to be a little patient for the big take off. Despite an obvious potential, success is limited exclusively to the North American sphere and again ...

1977 ... after a year 1976 when not much interesting thing will happen, here they are back in that year 1977. And there, on the other hand, some really interesting things will happen. The proof with this title which gives them their first success in the USA !

1978 ... the group will have made the yoyo permanently during this decade 70. And will not have succeeded in producing THE title which could have distinguished them from the crowd. The 1980s could be much more favorable to them ...

1980 ... their 1979 empty year did them the greatest good at first sight. They start the 80s in the best possible way with a title that finally sees their notoriety explode internationally ...

1980 ... the start of the decade with a second big-caliber title in the process. The group finally seems to have found the right recipe to impose himself on a planetary level !

1980 ... the increasingly important use of synthesizers will allow the group to refine its sound to make it stick to the latest musical standards. With the key to a constantly increasing level of success ...

1981 ... the BIG year with a plethora of titles and quality across the board. Cruising speed seems to be reached and the group just has to unroll ...

1981 ... and to unroll, it will unroll ! They deliver here what will surely remain as one of their most emblematic titles and definitely establish themselves as one of the most prominent Canadian groups of the moment ...

1981 ... of all the titles released in 1981 this one will be the least well classified but it does not matter, the dynamics of the success are well in place and that is especially that the essential !

1982 ... the consecration, the real one, here it is ! The group will obtain here the biggest success of all its career and return definitively in the musical legend of the Eighties. HU-GE !

1982 ... fewer titles delivered than in 1981 but an even higher level of success. It will indeed be this year 1982 which will remain as their best vintage and this undoubtedly !

1983 ... after 2 euphoric years to say the least, a slight air gap in this year 1983. Only one title on the clock and the most mixed success ...

1984 ... business picks up slowly but surely in this year 1984. Starting with this title but it is especially the continuation that will pay ...

1984 ... the group rediscovers its colors with this title and adds a new major star to an already well-stocked prize list. And the adventure is not over, far from it ...

1984 ... this title will pass somewhat under the radar, but when you see what is looming on the horizon, no worries about them for the moment ...

1985 ... 1985 will be a single-title year, but what a title ! Not necessarily their most iconic but one of their biggest successes anyway. A little over 10 years after their debut, little guys are still in great shape !

1986 ... the year 1986 will also be a single title year but unfortunately will not know the same level of success. But nothing is over yet, with them everything is possible ...

1987 ... once again they come back to the race in spectacular fashion. But it may well be that this time will be the last ...

1988 ... it is clear that the best years are now behind, it is clear. But the qualitative level is still largely sufficient to allow them to continue the adventure for a while ...

1989 ... an adventure which sees them all the same gradually disappearing from the radar. It must be said that the new musical trends of the moment isolate them more and more ...

1990 ... they will have crossed the decade 70 then the decade 80. And here they are starting the decade 90 without complex while knowing all the same that the fight will be tough ...

1991 ... and they are right to believe it somewhere because this title will allow them to collect some laurels in the Charts. It is always that !

1992 ... a short-lived upturn. The group continues its momentum without necessarily asking the right questions, especially on the sound side ...

1994 ... rock from start to finish, we won't remake them again, that's clear. They will have tried to evolve on several occasions but their fundamentals will always have gained the upper hand ...

2002 ... we find them the following decade in the same fashion. Obviously, what did not work during the 1990s is not likely to work during this one ...

2010 ... we thought they were definitely lost but it was bad to know them. Here they are back in this decade of 2010 and this time the comeback will be a winner. Like what, nothing is ever finished. When is the next time ...?


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