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History of Headaches...

Tears for Fears is an English group formed in 1981 in Bath by Roland Orzabal and Curt Smith, quickly joined by Ian Stanley and Manny Elias.

Orzabal and Smith had already formed another group before by the name of "Graduate" who had even released an album and a Single "Elvis should play ska" which had had some success in Europe. Group which they quickly left to join the group "Neon", which they also abandoned to form the group "History of Headache" which would become Tears for Fears.

The group's first Single “Suffer the children” was released in 1981 and went unnoticed.

The second Single “Pale shelter” was released in 1982 and… went unnoticed.

It was the release of their third Single "Mad world" in the fall of 1982 that changed everything : this time, it was a huge success.

In France, it was the Single "Change" released in early 1983 that smashed him all.

The album "The hurting" which contains all these Singles finally officially released a few months later. The success is colossal and global !

They did it again a year later in 1984 with the release of a new Single "Shout" which also became a worldwide hit.

Their second album "Songs from the big chair" was released in the wake of the same craze. In 1985, the now cult Single "Everybody wants to rule the world" was released. Another planetary success.

The 2 friends then only 23 years old became in a few years real world stars.

After a staggering start, the band’s production slowed down and it was not until 1989, 4 years later, that the third album "The seeds of love" was released.

Album with a sound much less Pop oriented but rather Jazzy-Bluesy.

The group finds once again the top of the Hits with the Single "Sowing the seeds of love", and to a lesser extent "Womans in chains".

But the tensions are getting more and more serious between Smith and Orzabal to the point that Smith slams the door of the group in 1991 to embark on a solo career. Solo career that turns out to be a failure.

Tears for Fears had two last major successes in 1992 with the Single hit "Laid so slow" and in 1993 with "Break it down again".

Other titles will be released later but the group will never find the level of excellence of the mid-80s.

Marking the slow disappearance of a group now legendary and which will remain as one of the best of the decade 80. At least that's what we imagine about them...

Because the group which will be reborn in a completely unexpected and above all spectacular way during the 2020 decade and succeed in regaining its best level.

To discover or rediscover.


Discography (among others ...) :

80s Decade :

• Suffer the children 1981

• Pale shelter 1982

• Mad world 1982

• Change 1983

• The way you are 1983

• Mothers talk 1984

• Shout 1984

• Everybody wants to rule the world 1985

• Head over heels 1985

• I believe 1985

• Sowing the seeds of love 1989

• Woman in chains 1989

90s Decade :

• Advice for the young at heart 1990

• Famous last words 1990

• Johnny Panic and the bible of dreams 1991

• Laid so low 1992

• Break it down again 1993

• Cold 1993

• Goodnight song 1993

• Elemental 1994

• Raoul and the king of Spains 1995

• God's mistake 1995

• Secrets 1996

• Falling down 1996

2000s Decade :

• Call me Mellow 2004

• Closest thing to heaven 2005

• Everybody loves a happy ending 2005

• Secret world 2006

2010s Decade :

• I love you but I'm lost 2017

2020s Decade :

• The tipping point 2021

• No small thing 2021

• Break the man 2022

• Master plan 2022

• My demons 2022

• Long, long, long time 2022

• Rivers of mercy 2023

• The girl that I come home 2024 • Astronaut 2024

Emily said 2024

• Say goodbye to mum and dad 2024


Tracks :

Top Bonus : 1978...and yes, they are the same ones who will smash everything on a planetary level a few years later...

1981 ... a first title which will pass completely under the radars but which however give invaluable indications concerning the level of talent of this group : quite out of standard, quite simply ...

1982 ... the first success of a small group which will become one of the most beautiful duets of the 80s. At this stage, nobody can imagine the amazing sequel which is on the horizon...

1982 ... then this title arrives ! A title inspired by no one knows where and which will change their artistic destiny forever. Their first planetary hit and a notoriety which explodes as a result !

1983 ... an inexorable rise in power which allows them to afford a new mega hit. Nothing and nobody can stop them now and it's off to last, it's clear !

1983..a very astonishing title based on Asian sounds which completely clashes with the previous titles. Anyway, a truly original variation that shows the full extent of their possibilities. And there are !

1984 ... a year that started off strangely with a level of success not really worthy of their rank. But it will not last, because given what is on the horizon, it is clear that something big, even very big will happen concerning them ...

1984 ... and the best is there ! A title that will remain as their most HUGE hit and which definitively consecrates them as one of the most talented groups of the decade. MAS-TER-FUL !

1985 ... and what about that one ! Surely one of their most beautiful titles and which will be almost as strong as the previous one. In just 3 years they will have become one of the biggest planetary phenomena of the moment. And it's not over !

1985 ... an inspiration which does not weaken and which allows them to produce mega hit on mega hit. Unstoppable little guys !

1985 ... a decidedly exceptional year 1985. We finish with this sumptuous title which suspends time as if by magic. And even if this title will only meet a level of success all in all relative, that does not detract from its Premium quality !

1989 ... after an air gap of 4 years, we find them in great shape on this track which will remain as one of their most emblematic. The end of the decade which promises to be under the best auspices with this new global mega hit, that's clear !

1989 ... the WONDER ! It was worth the time to wait 4 years to see them produce this kind of title with incredible lyricism and depth. But where are they going to get it all !

1990 ... a change of decade which does not prevent them from always being as effective and always as inspired ! It's what we call talent, quite simply !

1990 ... a timeless title which once again demonstrates their extreme know-how in the field of 'emotional' titles. Either way, they excel in all areas. What more can be said...

1991 ... surprisingly, the group will release only one title in this year 1991. A completely atypical title and which does not correspond in any way to their usual standards. To say the least confusing ...

1992 ... the hits are more rare but each time, it's big, even very big caliber, the proof with this excellent new title. 10 years in the world leader without almost faltering. A real feat !

1993 ... their last mega hit. One among many others ... There's not to say, an incredible discography and which will remain as one of the most brilliant of this end of the XXth century. A global success, however widely deserved !

1993 ... of course, the 1990s will not bring them as much success as the 1980s, but it is clear that they are holding on and that for the moment, it is working quite well !

1993 ... a beautiful year 1993 which sees them staying in the big leagues with obvious ease thanks to titles with more than obvious quality like this one

1994 ... a single-title year and a title that will also pass 'through'. Definitely, a 1994 vintage that will not be remembered as their best vintage, that's clear ...

1995 ... the big air hole of 1994 will not have lasted, very fortunately. Business resumes with this title and it allows them to continue to believe in it even a little ...

1995 ... and their latest hit of the decade. A magnificent adventure which ends slowly but surely. But what a career and above all, what talent !

1996 ... unfortunately things are going to take a serious turn for the worse from this year 1996. The group is in free fall in the Charts and this time there will be no miracles, the group will never return to the race...

1996 ... and yet quality is always the order of the day. But the group is now part of the past and there are only the base fans left to be interested in it ...

2004 ... they will disappear from the radar for almost 8 years and here they are back in this new decade 2000. The problem is that what did not work at the end of the 90s will not work either during this new decade...

2005 ... we are not going to talk about a miracle but about a temporary return to grace. While we were no longer expecting it, the group finally fregain the path of the Charts, at least across the Channel ...

2005 ... they, in any case, continue to believe in it. Afterwards, rightly or wrongly, it's up to everyone to form it's own opinion as they say ...

2006 ... it is clear that the production of titles is more and more restricted and the air holes more and more frequent. But the amazing thing about them is that the quality is always everywhere. The brand of the Great, the very Great !

2017 ... then almost nothing for 10 years. Here they are again in this new decade 2010 in a form that we will qualify as certain. Unfortunately no one will pay attention ...

2021 ... while we thought the case once again definitively folded, here they come back again and again. 40 years after their first title, the duo still hold the helm. Difficult but they hold it and in what way !

2021... we really find the group at its best level, 40 years after its debut, who would have thought that possible ? Hats off gentlemen !

2022...every new title that comes out is a real success. The group has managed to maintain a level of inspiration that is, to say the least, stunning and impresses with this frankly winning comeback !

2022...they will have taken a long time to come back but it was definitely worth it, that's undeniable. A return to the front of the stage as rarely for a group that started so long ago...

2022...bands from the 80s have been making a literally smashing comeback for the past few years and that's made a hell of a bunch of grassroots fans happy...

2022...a winning return which can only reassure them in the idea of continuing the adventure as far as possible. An idea that we share to the fullest extent !

2023... we hope with all our might that this opus won't be the last and that they are already working on the next one. To be continued !






Top Bonus : the story of a lifetime...

Top Bonus : the story of a lifetime II...

Top Bonus : the story of a lifetime III...

Top Bonus : the story of a lifetime IV...

Top Bonus : the story of a lifetime V...

Top Bonus : the story of a lifetime VI...

Top Bonus : the story of a lifetime VII...


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